Thursday, August 26, 2010


Greg H Boe, a very close friend of mine, who took his life last year. He planned his suicide. He moved out of his apartment, put all of his belonging in storage, made requests for this final arrangements - which were to have none, and drove to a park and hung himself.

I know Greg was to know a funny, charming, smart and successful person. He did not show signs of depression. At the time he was unemployed for a couple of years. He also went through a divorce five years earlier that haunted him. Challenges - yes, terrible circumstances - not in my opinion. But my opinion, or anyone else, really did not matter. It was his opinion that mattered, his emotions that he took with him. There are no answers for a friend who learns about such an event. It is a shock with no answers.

I remind myself that life is for the living. It is in constant motion and change. There are no answers, only opinions. I will keep a smile on my face and remember my good friend for all of the wonderful times we spent together.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Major Fall - lose of a dear friend

I plan to use this site to document some of the challenges that I have faced in my life. This one was the lose of my first (former - divorced at the time) wife to cancer. Death is permanent, no changing anything. All of you thoughts, words, experiences are locked forever when someone you know passes on. You can not change the past, only think about it. It is the only reminder to keep you in the present and to take care of the people you love most. There are no second chances with death, so I do my best every day to remember that fact and treat the ones I love as best as I can.

Sorry you are gone Kelly, you are missed.