Sunday, December 18, 2011

Searching for a real President of our country

I often wonder why I am not impressed with our President's that runs our country. I mean I am living in a country that is one of the largest, richest and most powerful countries in modern day history yet the leadership and candidates for leadership are terrible. In my lifetime that last great U.S. President was JFK, and they have all gone downhill from there - why? My expectation for such large responsibility is first to be a person that inspires the masses. That has such great character, decision-making abilities and does the right things for the masses, that I am proud to say - that is our President. Maybe modern day government is broken so the leadership is less critical - oh I hope not.

So what would I like to see a great U.S. President fix? Here are my top three challenges to start with. First would be taxation. Implement a flat tax, both Federal and State, same percent for all (poor or rich) and no exemptions. Get rid of all other tax (property, sales, tolls, etc...) - just think of the savings that would exist with a simple system like this? Only collect it once, same system for everyone, and no exemptions. The vast majority of us would pay fewer taxes and if it was done correctly there should be plenty of funds to fix a bunch of issues that we face today.

This brings me to my second topic that we have to fix which is the no safety net for our citizens. How can we expect low crime rates when there is no system to provide the minimum needs of survival: food, medical care and shelter for all. I am not talking about free hotels - could be like military barracks: large plain rows of beds with a footlocker, large cafeteria that serves military like food. But it is solid roof over the heads of the needy versus being homeless and dying in a park. And I don't even care if someone spends the rest of his or her lives there - being self-sufficient is much better than that life so I think the capable would want a better life. Maybe the trade off is the capable ones have to contribute while they are there - some type of labor contribution. It could be a trade that is learned which helps the willing. In the end it is about having a civil support system for all of our citizens (capable or not, old or young, normal or handicapped). The concept of homeless is so uncivilized - Mr. President - take some of my tax dollars and help all of America.

Last issue for this rant/dream - fix the corruption of modern day business greed regarding executive compensation. Think of this in this light - from the lowest level of employee to the highest (CEO) -how much is the CEO worth from the lowest level? So let's say the lowest level employee makes $50,000 a year. 200% would be $100,000. The CEO is worth that, sure. 500% is $250,000, sure the CEO is 500% better than the reception person at headquarters. $500,000 is 1000% difference - is the CEO 1000% better? That is a big difference, but it is not what I am talking about. No what I am talking about is we average pay our CEO's 10,000% more than the lowest level, in this example $5 million in total compensation versus $50,000. Do you think that large business leaders are 10,000% more qualified than the company’s workers? Do you think an athlete is worth $300 million dollars - 600,000% more than the $50,000? I don't, and I know that this paragraph is the scariest for most people. It is about controlling capitalism. If you are going to lead one of the world's greatest countries you will have to solve really big issues, and these are my first three to address. There are many others, but this would define greatness for me, it would be reflective of the position that the President of the United States would be worthy of fixing.

I am off to make my breakfast and search for a real leader for our country - wish me luck, believe me you need it.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this article which further illustrates my point on executive pay, Executive Pay Scorecard for 2011,

    I mean really paying a CEO $378 million in one year.
